decentralized, non-custodial,AI

One-stop stake platform for fund security

ID LABS is a decentralized, non-custodial and open-source staking platform that introduces artificial intelligence (AI) to DeFi staking. Its main benefit is that a large amount of public data is generated around financial transactions and this huge collection of financial data can be used for training and improvement Artificial intelligence (AI) models, such as arbitrage bots that attempt to maximize returns from expected asset price fluctuations.

Earn steady income

Stick to the principle

The design of ID LABS is based on strong principles: providing a robust trading platform for the long-term, community priority and fair treatment in all aspects, and prioritizing stable wealth creation.

Ritual benefit

ID LABS rewards partners who co-create the platform with us and the purpose of this agreement is to reward community teams and partners who contribute the most.

Improve development

ID LABS provides an excellent development start-up plan for platform users, and also provides a generous reward plan to help users build their organizational network.

Earn steady income

Stick to the principle

The design of ID LABS is based on strong principles: providing a robust trading platform for the long-term, community priority and fair treatment in all aspects, and prioritizing stable wealth creation.

Ritual benefit

ID LABS rewards partners who co-create the platform with us and the purpose of this agreement is to reward community teams and partners who contribute the most.

Improve development

ID LABS provides an excellent development start-up plan for platform users, and also provides a generous reward plan to help users build their organizational network.

Our core values

Everything under control

All user funds are locked in smart contracts and no third party has direct access to these funds. ID LABS is non-custodial and never controls any assets. It can be used directly from the wallet you control.

Simple operation

The page design of ID LABS is simple and easy to use. You only need to click a few buttons to buy and sell, allowing users to use it more smoothly.

Public processing

ID LABS will let members understand each stage of the company's development through various social platforms and continuously announce the latest news.


ID LABS is like a big family, a community-owned company, so we strongly encourage users to cooperate in development, marketing, information sharing, etc.

Long-term vision

ID LABS hopes to establish more long-term partnerships. We believe that long-term planning will lead to more investment, and should not stop at short-term trends.


There is no substitute for trust when it comes to cryptocurrencies. We will ensure the safety of users' funds and information, and ensure that we will continue to bring more profits to everyone.

Our Partners